Jul 3, 2009

Crunch to be Munched by All

By the end of 2008, the words crunch, recession, downsizing etc, were known to almost everyone and the prime topic to discuss over corporate lunches and dinners. Friends, colleagues still share articles and various information such as how Sony suffered lost for the first time in last 14 years or the top companies who laid off their employees.

But its not the business only which is suffering from loss. The consequences are dawning upon the laymen.

Recently, I received a forward email from a friend cum ex-boss, regarding Warren Buffett's advice for 2009. He told me that he is following none of the mentioned advices and no wonder he feels crunched badly. He has even decided to buy a mountain bike instead of joining a gym, which will definitely cost him much lesser as compared to any hi-end fitness center. In case you thinking, he must be not holding a good position or something, I must tell you he heads a department of leading agency.

Right after this small and casual discussion, I pondered over the situation rising out of increasing inflation and recession. It has changed public views by 180 degree. Before the budget 2009 announced, GEO TV was running a show called "
Kharchay ka Charcha" which we(me and my team) used to watch daily. One of my team-mate commented that if you know you are out of budget, why buy bread & rusk, instead make a roti or paratha. I was a bit surprised that our people have actually start thinking to make a way out.

Increasing amount of sale and discounts on top-notch brand stores, home-made lunches, car pooling, are all those symptoms which appear after being hit by deflated pockets.

The story doesn't end here.

Every time I login to my Facebook account, one or two status are speaking the story of increasing expenses and static earnings.

The recession has hit us all and we are bound in this vicious circle.

So, munch the crunch.

And learn from movies too :)