Jan 2, 2010

Sentimentally Decorated Statii

With the end of year 2009, many of us make resolutions, ponder over past,forecast future or simply sleep over all these. I, instead, spent the night copying down some of my poetry and realized that my penned-down thoughts can provided me some penny sometime later in life.

In recent past, many of my Facebook friends have some way or other commented on my ever changing Super-Statii. This actually gave me a hint that I must keep a track of all of my deadly or delightful mental geniuses. Now the problem was how shall I find these status? A friend of mine posted an application where some of your year status appears as a collage. So I also tried it and found that I can see all my status and choose some for collage. So, I not only made the collage but made a collection of status as well. Isn't that super-duper time pass?

Though, the collection is of 2009 only, I am pretty sure that I must have posted some great thoughts prior to it under my ultra depressive mode.

I call this collection "Kulsaazi" meaning Kulsoom's craftsmanship. A combination of my name first 3 letters + saazi. Hmmmm, the word has one secret meaning as well but shhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Lets begin (categorically):
-->Seventh Heaven:
1. I am blessed to be found again
2. After finding your missing element; the feeling is euphoric
3. In love one can wait forever and ever but won't change the deal
4. You worth all the effort
5. I know you hear me even when am quite and looking away.
6. And even if it takes a lifetime; I am ready
7. Aaj sunday hai, subha ko late hona chahiye
8. tum woh murshid ho jis kay haath per mureed baiyat le lay.....socho tum kon ho?
9. Lets become wanderers, at least this will keep us together
10. I had GOD till I had you.
11. If you have witnessed love, then you must have witnessed GOD on earth
12. You are my window to the another better world
Reality Bites:
1. Hence, I am what I am not.
2. I and the communication disparity
3. Wants to know at what speed her life is heading towards CHANGE?
4. Stumbled upon past, on my way to future through present
5. keep going back until one finds his way forward
6. I have been dreaming for so long, that if I open my eyes; I'll be blind
7. Living in a dream while breathing a reality
8. Till you don't get a hold on your future; past will keep ruining you
9. You know you are leaving me exactly where you found me from
10. An addition to my wish list "I want to travel with the protocol of 2 Mercs, 3 Camry, and several guard jeeps and commando bikes....who stop the whole traffic JUST FOR ME"
11. Construction of a dream lead to the destruction of reality but, the dream worth it
12. Hatred is a disease and I am ill
Impressively Depress:
1. Living your past
Defacing my present
Ostracizing our future
Completely Crabbed !!!
2. I own failures and give disasters on rent.
3. Uninterrupted imagination required to spend life
4. Required: Uninterrupted Imagination
Available: Only interruptions, no imagination
5. I went missing
6. Love is an EXCUSE
7. Trapped in my own deeds, struggling with my own heart
8. Time ran backward while the world was moving forward.
9. humare pass yaadon ka zakheera aur barh jayega.......aur hum wapsee k rastay per usse uthaye lotengay........chalnay main thakan aur mushkil barh jayegi
10. The one who worth you will keep you, and not ruin you
11. Life sucks whenever it feels like
12. World apart with a dream together
13. I am my very own responsibility
14. My days are getting familiar to each other's pain
15. You cannot love me enough if you don't love my doings
Contemplating Codes:
1. Never give out your best till the best is given to you
2. It’s all about the beauty of being one.
3. I am part, of a nation not a denomination, a religion not a division
4. Life is as it was……useless
5. Money has its own demons
6. Don't think of unimportant people; it makes them important. Punish them
7. The second we think we are nothing without someone; GOD takes him away and tells you are nothing without ME.
8. Even freedom comes at a high cost and with boundaries......which are realized much later
9. We never knew the meaning of WORRIES, they were mere happiness
10. It takes no guts to be a bastard; some inherit it with all the pride and glory present on earth!!!
11. We are never confused. We are just incomplete
12. Nakaam muhabbat k afsane ya to buzdil banate hain ya baghi....umeed nahi dilate kabhi bhi
13. We are at loss because we focus too much on what we don't have, instead of what we have
14. Optimism is not the perspective I hold but what my friends hold for me
15. You are always ages away from what you want now and most, without any reason
16. People who ruin the time of 9 to 6 shall be generally known as jerks
17. Some things are complicated for no good reason

P.S. The above content is pure generation of my mind hence it is copyrighted. If you happen to copy/steal any, I will be glad if you ask me for that :)