Jan 14, 2010

The Darker, The Brighter

Welcome to the dark world for a brighter you.
A few nights back, while my nephews were playing online games on my hard-earned laptop, I felt the cold around coming from the window. The wall outside was almost dark with a slight shadow of light on it. I realized why do most of us contemplate our lives under the influence of night, not light?

I have always preferred night over day, except when I had my nightmares. It’s kind of much more serene and quiet and can be owned. Someone has already second my liking ages ago:
I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.
~Vincent Van Gogh
Yes, it is indeed more alive because we get enough time to live it our way and richer because it has got our colors of thoughts.

Day time is kind of pre-occupied and hustle-bustle rules over. I get annoyed easily during the day because a lot of interruptions are there. At day, one thinks of how to earn whereas during night one ponder over why earn? See, the difference is, during day its all about others. But the night is all ours with all the liberty it holds for us. It arrives only for our existence, our reflection. Nights are so much as mothers, nurturing and prospering our inner selves.

Whereas days are like teachers who teach you, scare you and hold punishment and prizes altogether.

Once the sun sets, life bestows its brightness upon you. There is no rush, no race, and no wait. Dawn gives us hope and dusk, the reason for hope.

All my life, I have enjoyed reading, writing and thinking under the lamplight, not sunlight. Everyone else is asleep, hence the time and mind both are at my service, and I use them the way I want to.

Many poets/writers have mentioned the night, very pitiless as when they miss their darlings most. It is pictured as the time which is hard to spend under the longing thoughts. Now, if we look at it, isn’t it because nights give plenty of time to think of your hidden life, innermost philosophy, and the long lost love?

Why not one feels sleepless at day time, why night? Because, we want to go into a state of ignorance (of others) during the day but the night doesn’t own us, we own it at our ease.
Unlike days, every night arrives with the promise of tranquility. We shape nights as per our choice while the day shapes us.

Embrace the darkness for the inner enlightenment!!!