Apr 7, 2019

How it Happened by Shazaf Fatima Haider

A funny and fast read!

Being a Syed Shia myself, I thoroughly enjoyed the traditions narrated in this book. Shazaf Fatima doesn't let you get you bored even for a bit, except towards the end I skipped a few pages as I felt it dragged.

This book picks on the strong bondings that families hold especially after partition. Highlighting the significance of sons in any normal household, governed by matriarchy, book touches upon several daily life issues such as dating in normal Pakistani households.

What I enjoyed most is relevance to the reader in terms of the pride that Syeds take in being the descendants. Author has carefully tackled the idea of inter-sect love marriage, while greatly emphasizing that following tradition is no guarantee of happiness.

Each character is discussed and built-in detail, giving an imaginative window to the reader.
If you get a chance, then do give it a read.

Giving it 4/5