Oct 2, 2017

The Secret of Mountains

I can't believe I finished a book of over 300 pages in less than 3 days. The last time I remember doing such thing was with Ayn Rand' s The Fountainhead, back in 2004.

The Secret of Mountains is Fanoos Faroughi's first English novel. She is a Persian author and has written quite a few books in Persian. I picked up this book only because of my interest in Iranian literature and films. The back of this book told me that it's about a woman and her struggles in a patriarchal Islamic society. In addition to this, it's a first-person narrative which I personally prefer to read. This novel is set in the backdrop of modern Iran with no mentioning of its political turmoil or religious references but based on true accounts.

Raaz is the first narrator/protagonist of this novel who is a divorcee, along with two other key characters Feragh (her ex-husband) and Soroush (her mentor and future husband)

Faroughi has done brilliant and captivating storytelling throughout the book. Raaz's character is very relevant to women from eastern societies who have been divorced without any rights. The struggle of parents, support of family and above all the stages of grief are defined perfectly in this book.

I personally loved the character of Saroush and I think he was the reason I just couldn't stop reading. Having said that, I think, Fanoos could have given more horizontal depth to his character in terms of his past and love for Raaz.

P.S. book also introduced me to readings of Master of Kharaghan