Dec 15, 2011

While the fountains danced, I wrote.

Sometimes you just need a hit, a hit strong enough to break you into tiny pieces.

This hit can be emotional, financial or even physical but it must break your personified shell so your true strength can come out and shine. One may be broken through worst of worst means, either he gives up or looks for means to gather himself and be a diamond. Why I say diamond? Because it’s a found amongst darkest and most uneven curves; once it is rigorously polished and shaped, it picks its worth.

We, humans, are more or less the same, we discover ourselves in dark and downtimes. That’s the only time when we literally shake ourselves to the core and surprise ourselves with a silver lining inside.

Once it’s over, nothing more can hit you or either you don’t let it hit you.

You become shockproof !!!