Apr 16, 2010

Garbage is a Type of Men.....easy to find

Thoughts on garbage while dropping the two missies at their office:

A: Sometimes you just have to ignore these types of men because you are working together for so long
K: I tell you what type is this?
U: What?
K: These are the type of men who don’t have sickness in mind or heart but they are made of filth. These are the men who think if a woman is stepping out of her house; it makes her public property. With due to respect to their mothers but these men are nothing but garbage and that is because of their fathers. Fathers who never respected their children’s mother so how can you expect such sons to respect any woman, be it their wife or mother.
A: You are so correct. Uhhh you spoke like an editor.
K: Thanks.
U: You drive fast.
A: (back door closed properly)
U: (closed the front door as slow as ever to do it again)
K: (sped off)


Shumaila said...

I liked the reason.